Welcome again to the Triple L Club (LLL - Living Life & Loving It!!!) as we further our study of the Keys to An Abundant Life. In previous posts, we discussed the two keys, Love and Life. Today we will cover our final key:
LIVING - are you living or merely existing going through the motions? Does your life have a meaning, a purpose, a direction, a destiny? Are you here for a reason or are you just along for the ride? Is this world a better place because of you or do you go unnoticed? Are you passionate about anything or passive about everything? Do you make a difference or are you taking up space? Don't get it twisted... It doesn't mean making an impact that changes a city, a nation or the world. This is not everyone's fate. However, little things mean a lot.
These questions I’ve posed are not to make you feel bad or inadequate, rather they should be used to serve as an ongoing indicator of the quality of life you are living. To be honest all of us fall short and miss the mark from time to time...more often than not In fact, there is no way, in our own strength and humanness that a person can live a meaningful life each and every day. But with GOD’s help and guidance, our lives become much more powerful!!!
In 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave a speech at Barratt Jr. High School in Philadelphia entitled “What is Your Life’s Blueprint?” http://youtu.be/aDaGhmaWmo4 He explained that in order to have a life of purpose and power, it must be built on a solid and sound foundation or blueprint. Dr. King encouraged students to use 2 critical blueprint components to construct their adult lives. I have added a 3rd component for your consideration as we may be in a different life phases, already being adults, of rebuilding, renewing and restoration. They are as follows:
➤ A deep belief in your own dignity, self worth and significance
➤ The determination to achieve excellence
➤ The ability to overcome fear, anxiety and negative influences
Generally speaking, blueprints are developed by an architect who provides the overall plan and design for a construction; while engineers are responsible for implementing the design safely and efficiently. In life terms, think about it this way: GOD is the architect of our life...He formed us in our mother’s womb (Ps 139:13-16), created us from dust (Gen 2:7) and Has a perfect plan for our lives (Jer 29:11). Then He gave us, the engineers, the guidance (Holy Spirit) and instruction manual (Holy Word) to build our lives. But unlike any other architectural structure known to man, no matter how damaged or worn out our lives become, they never have to be sold, flipped, torn down, imploded or destroyed. They can be completely salvaged and restored because of God’s love for us. Through salvation (believing in and accepting His beloved Son as Savior), we can be completely renovated...indescribably better than before…(Gal 5:22-23) to the most magnificent design…a true masterpiece… that of a life in Jesus Christ!!! (2 Cor 5:17) In Him, not only can we live the abundant life here on earth (John 10:10), serve as a beacon of light and hope in this sometimes dark world (John 8:12) but most importantly, draw others close to him for years to come (Mat 5:16). And if that weren’t enough, GOD will never leave us (Mat 28:20b)... we will then spend eternity with Him!!! (1 John 2:25). I know this is so much to take in… But it’s truly good news.
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Until next time….. Tuesday 2/26/19