Thursday, February 14, 2019

This Is YOUR Season

Welcome to The Triple L Club: Living Life & Loving It!!!   I must first give all honor and glory to GOD for the numerous trials, tests and eventual testimonies that have created my incredible life experience and the inspiration to do this. My GOD is AWESOME and  oh so FAITHFUL !!!
Secondly, I thank GOD for allowing me to meet the seasoned women of Mt. Ararat Baptist Church (in Baltimore, MD) many years ago. Their “seniors” group was called the Triple L Club and I can distinctly remember thinking that although these ladies were nice, it was definitely  a group for old people.  These “saints” welcomed me and my children into the church family and were very instrumental in loving me back to wholeness, after a devastating divorce.  Their never ending patience, encouragement and support was almost as powerful as the wisdom and agape love they shared.  At one of the lowest times in my life, GOD sent these “ministering angels” to my rescue…Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Barber, Mrs. Simms, Mrs. Lassiter and Mrs. Calhoun to name a few…I’ll never forget them and they will always hold a special place in my heart.

Within a two year period, I lost my dad, my job, my home and my brother…following the unfortunate end of a twelve year marriage!  If that weren’t enough, I experienced a very serious illness and had to maintain a household as a single mother of three.  Despite these challenges, I never lost my hope or my praise…I KNEW GOD and  believed He would never leave me nor forsake me.  I kept telling myself that I had to be strong for my children and held on the fact that the joy of the Lord was my strength.  Yes, there was plenty of pain and loneliness, but GOD smiled on us and brought us out.
Life goes through seasons of change.  Just keep on living and you will undoubtedly witness it’s ebbs and tides (if you haven’t already).  But thanks be to GOD He gave us His only begotten son, JESUS CHRIST.  In John 10:10, Jesus declares:  “I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance”.  This scripture is the focus and inspiration for this blog and the foundation  for being a member of the Triple L Club: Living Life & Loving It (LLL)
Each component of LLL is important in and of itself.  However, realizing the maximum quality of  LLL is when all three entities effectively function independently AND interdependently. Therefore each must be examined individually, exploring how it is working and identifying what level of functionality you are achieving in your daily life.  Only when all three are performing at maximum capacity, is THE ABUNDANT LIFE truly realized.  Everyone has different levels and performance combinations.  Thus, this exploration requires honest reflection, an open mind, a willing spirit, self acceptance (void of condemnation) and a sense of surrender with a genuine desire  for change.  I hope that embarking on this journey together will allow us to find that perfect place of peace, power, purpose and growth.


  1. hi Laverne just wanted to thank you for this site that you gave me. you were in weis market.i will continue to read, so much has been directed to my own life. so thank god first and you for your deliverance

    1. Thank you so much for joining the Triple L Club community. To God be the glory and may He continue to bless and keep you! Please spread the word and keep coming back. I appreciate your support. God is awesome and has a word for us all. Have a blessed day.
