Welcome back to The Triple L Club (LLL)-Living Life and Loving It, where we are discovering the Keys to An Abundant Life as given to us by Jesus Christ (John 10:10). As we take this journey of reflection and growth, it is important to understand each LLL component and use it as a foundation for our quest for a more enriched and fulfilling ABUNDANT LIFE. Last time, we talked about LOVE and how important it is to love God, ourselves and others. Today, we will discuss our second component: LIFE.
LIFE - How do you view your life? Is it a gift that you cherish, appreciate and nurture or do you take it for granted by abuse, self indulgence, or ungratefulness? Do you allow others to control your thoughts, emotions and experiences or do you choose to preserve and protect the precious life that you have? Do you acknowledge the Giver of this gift, or do you ignore this fact by being unappreciative of the fact that you wake up every morning? No matter what you think or feel, your life means something, or you would NOT still be here. There is a true purpose for your existence and it’s much bigger than you or me. The more you learn to appreciate it, the greater the quality of your being. The greater the quality, the more purposeful it will be for you and others.
Ask yourself (and answer honestly), what is most important to you in your life? One might say family, security, wealth, power, comfort, respect, education, peer acceptance… and the list goes on and on. I contend that the most important things in life are those things that money can’t buy such as: inner peace, joy, health, family, positive relationships, security, passion and purpose.
How often have you beaten yourself up because you haven’t “arrived”, you aren’t where you thought you would be, or you compare yourself to friends and/or relatives and in your opinion fall short of where you should be? To make matters worse, society often projects deceptive portrayals such as the super mom, the mighty multitasker and the artful accomplisher who succeeds at everything! It is human nature to want more out of life and to feel bad about these things. But rather than to fall for these unrealistic standards, seek God’s truth and guidance as to where you should be and how to get there. Don’t let the world define your success… FIND YOUR FULFILLMENT AND LIFE’S PURPOSE IN GOD!!!
I’ve been there...trying to please everybody else, listening to others and trusting the world’s standards for my life. I found myself unhappy, disillusioned and just plain tired. I was going through the motions and burning myself out as a single mother of 3. Then I decided to find out what GOD said about my life. I found Proverbs 3:5&6 which offered a better perspective for me. It states “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will direct your path.” Trusting God may be a difficult thing to do at first, but it makes life much easier and fulfilling.
I liken it to driving a car with cruise control. You set the commands and trust the car to maintain a certain speed until you decide to make a change. Trusting GOD is like having cruise control for your life only better; giving him complete control through trust and faith - as if you turned on cruise control and sat in the back seat!!! There’s freedom and joy in handing over the reins to GOD, the ultimate giver of (youe) life. Who is better qualified to mold and develop your life into one that will bring you and others joy while fulfilling His purpose on the earth !!! Our ultimate purpose is to glorify GOD through our life while sharing His love and helping others. He honors trust and faith and will bless you with unspeakable joy and peace that passes all understanding.
Other scriptures that I found to confirm this Truth are:
“We know that in all things God works for good with those who love Him, those He has called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
“You, Lord, give purpose peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever; He will always protect us.” (Isaiah 26:3-4)
Live your Life and Love It!!!
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Next Post Friday 2/22/19
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